Hallo gan, at this time ane ane thread wants to discuss about the mistakes that are often taken for granted even perhaps often justified by highway users.
Familiarize and justify an error is usually done by people who do not care about the rules and the safety of himself. Fitting on the highway for example, many consider ordinary justify even without a solid foundation for an action they usually do when a user of the road. Here it is mistakes that are often justified and even considered normal by road users raya.Cekibrott gan !!!
Quote:1. Naik Motor Lawan Arus
Spoiler for Up Motor Opponent Flow
How does it feels when you nemuin rich road users gini ?, would make very careful cranky times yes. Already ride motorcycles, countercurrent, and some people desperate to do this on the sidewalk. The sidewalk taukan for whom ?, for Yes it for pedestrian walkways, not for huckster, nor for the motor bypassed especially for dating or hanging out, NOT!
Quote:2. Telefonan Sambil Naik Kendaraan, Kalo Ketangkep Marah-Marah
Spoiler for call while riding a vehicle:
For those of you who like telefonan while riding. How important is it does matter that you bicarain with your safety and other fellow road users ?. Okay if that's important you could have stopped first at the roadside for telefonan, after it had deh lanjutin trip. People that driving while talking the concentration clearly divided, however high his IQ. Okay maybe you already feel really save with telefonan use a headset, but if the others do not ati-ati gimane, if others want nyalip already nglakson but you do not hear any of whom srempetan ?, if not one scoop gaes, it's one of your own!
Quote:3. SMS-an Sambil Naik Kendaran
Spoiler for While texting Up Vehicle:
This is no less alarming than telefonan while driving, texting while driving yap .... It raises your chances for accidents on the highway. Well, whatever you Seapal same ditombol letters around your phone that you can make typing sms while driving the wrong !, tetep danger tetep make yourself and others. Already deh Limbat also so-so not really want to test fit the guts or fit again want to get closer to God! Stop yes !!!
Quote:4. Nyebrang Jalan Selain Di Zebra Cross, Udah Gitu Pakek Salam 5 Jari
Spoiler for In addition to cross the road at zebra crossing, already so pakek Greetings 5 Finger:
Create a motorist on the highway you'll never nemuin person like this, so he wants to cross, but not in the crosswalk, because I'm so pairs of face grim, because I'm so pretentious nyetop with regards pakek 5 finger. Already one, glaring, really ugly again, do well not really. True story there are instances where fathers while carrying a bag of groceries didalem bejibun crackle, he had just come out of a mall keparkiran want to cross, with his face tense PD pitch while nyetop ala-ala greeting 5 finger. Together with his him like that there are motorists who upset the same act that fathers who nyebrang not in place already so pretentious nyetop forced, finally diacungkanlah middle finger on the fathers. Well the landscape is so rich vs. greeting greetings 5 finger middle finger, taste in movies crowszero really tuh!
Quote:5. Mau Belok Kemana?, Eh…Nge Sein-nya Kemana
Spoiler for Want to turn Where ?, Uh ... Nge his Sein Where:
Who do that if more people do not panic, yes people are still unstable. Expires not really so obvious what he wants. The model beginian sure if other road users diingetin fellow cranky, huh unstable. Error rich gini can make an accident, you know, know know you want to turn to right but give light to the left of the code that would nyalip kagak ngeh tuh, well if already one code and misunderstood then hit by how fitting would turn? This fault unstable.
Spoiler for Up Vehicle Middle Already Rich Road grandmother:
Quote:7. Pengendara Motor Dan Sepeda Jejeran Dan Gandengan
Spoiler for Motorcycle riders and bikes Lined And Trailers:
love you with your friends, or even with your boyfriend do not do it gaes. The reason, the danger, the two ngganggu, three amused make tough !. Nah if you plasticity romantic or loyal friend, you are definitely wrong plasticity. Many places to chat and hang out delicious than on the highway for you cyclists and bike, especially if ngobrolnya while the handle is placed in the hands or feet exhaust, the danger is already level gaes god !. If another strike or a flat tire so guided, if the bike would accompany yes pakek led also easy anyway!
Quote:8. Pipis Di Pinggir Jalan
Spoiler for Pee On Roadside:
This honest view of the ga 'DELICIOUS for visits. If it is on the road, mending endure for the gas station or other public tempat2 no pee in the toilet of the roadside, embarrassing
Quote:9. Salah Memahami Lampu Lalu Lintas
Spoiler forMisunderstood the traffic light:

If based on the picture above, it's that Ko rule on the left side of ya !!!
Quote:10. Tidak Standar, Orangnya Nggak Memenuhi Kelengkapan Berkendara, Kalo Ditanya Alasannya “Cuman Mau Kedeket Situ Kok”!
Spoiler for not standard
Not pakek rearview mirror, do not take driver's license and vehicle registration, continues its not pakek helmet, wants what to try? And when asked why he was doing so he said casually "Cuman Kok Mau Kedeket Situ" !,
sometimes feel so rich people should diketekin let the police officer know if it's wrong, nothing wrong kebangetan!
Spoiler for Baby Bell Almost Time Traffic Lights Green, Or Pas Severe Loss:
Say a final sentence if the user find any rich gini "please first!", Finished!
Quote:12. Panen “Cabe/Terong”
Spoiler for Harvest "Chilli / Eggplant":
Quote:13. Bus Nurunin Penumpang Sembarangan
Spoiler for Passenger Bus nurunin Gratuitous:
The rich gini make sure you get mad if there behind him. Already smoke everywhere, stopped suddenly and do not use ngode first, so hadeh want nubruk taste right!
Quote:14. Bawa Beban Berlebihan
Spoiler for carrying excessive loads:
Well this is pretty scary sight for sore eyes when viewed. Yet if you think about it the danger.
Well, that mistakes are often justified and considered normal by highway users.
The most needed is the awareness that can be distinguished both road users and know the rules.
Ane wait comments2 quality of all who have ane agan2 described above
Hopefully this simple thread ane who can benefit-agan agan.
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