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Kamis, 05 Maret 2015

Touring prime to Bekasi alongside his beloved wife

           Pertama kalinya sang istri ngajakin touring ke Bekasi kerumah kakak ane. yakni hari minggu tgl 1 maret 2015. berangkat jam 9 pagi - nyampai di Bekasi pukul 3 sore kurang lebih 120 km.
          To bring the bike slow speed between 40-50 km / per hour wrote. because the traffic flow fairly dense, ie when passing through several markets along the way. and the holiday atmosphere.

          In a trip to experience trouble in the market, ie when nyampai Jatake arrived "ngelos clutch cable, so that when inserted tooth clutch is pressed the engine off. Fortunately ane already prepare take a screwdriver, wrench and spare clutch cable.

and the journey continues again

           However in the market senen jakarta arrived "clutch lever as dol. Ane paksain way up in white cempaka ane give up. To lean general dibengkel. Tricked various ways of dressing bolts, grinding gear lever but failed (clutch lever house dol / slep) until finally wear the gear lever has a honda charisma (price lever 35,000 + cost of plug Rp.5000)

honda lever sighting photo has charisma


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