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Kamis, 05 Maret 2015

Touring to Bekasi part 1

Departing the beloved wife of the house (attack-offerings) on 1st March 2015 precisely Sunday morning at 9 - up in jakarta-western Java in 2015 at 3 pm. approximately 6 hours drive.
Sunday due to heavy traffic flow speed creeping average "40-50 km / per hour.
arrived on the market Jatake los clutch cable / slack so stopped for some time amid market bottlenecks.
ane profit from the house carrying a screwdriver + wrench. consequently set off again, but on arrival at Jakarta / market Monday arrived "gear lever loss / oblak so that the motor only use first gear (2nd gear would move even neutral bro). I paksain way but through the bottom / reply via flyover is guaranteed not strong nanjak. Arriving in white cempaka ane stopped at public workshops have babe / Betawi people. repaired long enough to grind the gear lever interrupted "(grip of the bolt so that the meeting) but failed.
try to use the lever has yet oblak suzuki, use has honda new charisma can Rapet.
price lever charisma and services pemasanganya 125 35,000 5,000 bringing the total 40,000
and the motor back to normal (the house where the lever is worn) ..

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